“Edge Pen” is one of pen tools such as “Pen” and “AirBrush”, and it creates an outlined line.

Create “Edge Pen”

Let’s create “Edge Pen” first.

Click on “Add Brush” at left-bottom of Brush Window. Once “Edit Brush” Window pop up, select “Edge Pen” for type. Set up a name, width, and other options however you like.

Diagram:Create Edge Pen
Diagram:Create Edge Pen

Draw a line with “Edge Pen”

Now we are ready to use “Edge Pen”.

You just created a line with outline. You can set up line width, stroke pressure, opacity, and other options same as a regular Pen.

Diagram:Use Edge Pen
Diagram:Use Edge Pen

Color of “Edge Pen”

Change colors of line and outline.

  • Outline Color→Foreground Color
  • Line Color→Background Color
Diagram:Change Edge Pen Colors
Diagram:Change Edge Pen Colors

Connect edges

You can draw connected edges by holding down “Ctrl” for Windows and “Command” for Mac.

Diagram:Connected edges and unconnected edges
Diagram:Connected edges and unconnected edges

What if using “Edge Pen” on 8bit layer…?

You can use “Edge Pen” on both 8bit layer and 1bit layer.

White (R: 255 G: 255 B:255) becomes transparent, and black (R: 0 G: 0 B: 0) becomes the selected layer color.

Diagram: Use Edge Pen on 8bit layer
Diagram: Use Edge Pen on 8bit layer
>FireAlpaca | Free Digital Painting Software

FireAlpaca | Free Digital Painting Software

FireAlpaca is the free Digital Painting Software that is available in 10 languages and compatible with both Mac and Windows. Simple tools and controls let you draw an illustration easily.