How to transfer setting to another computer?

Transfer setting to another computer

Learn how to transfer your settings to another computer, just in case if your computer breaks down or an unforeseen accident happens.

FireAlpaca Setting File

Initiate FireAlpaca, select “Open Config Folder” from menu bar – “Help”.

Image. Open Config Folder

All settings shall be shown in this way.

Image. After opening the folder

Copy all the files

Image. Select and copy all the files
Create a folder to store the configuration files in a location, such as an external drive (SSD for best). This helps you prevent once the computer no longer works. Creating folder name in sequential numbers and backup your files regularly.
Image. Create a folder to save the setting files

Paste the copied files into the folder. (Ex. folder name – FA_ENV_0001)

Image. Paste those copied files

This is the backup for the setting files. It is much safer to save the setting in an external drive.

Restore FireAlpaca configuration files

Next, restore the configuration files.

Initiate FireAlpaca, select “Open Config Folder” from “Help”, and close FireAlpaca. (Very important!! You can not successfully restore it if you do not terminate FireAlpaca)

Delete all the setting files from the folder.

Image. All the settings were all deleted. 

Paste the files from folder (FA_ENV_0001) into setting.

Image. Paste all the back-up files

Now that the environment has been restored. You can launch FireAlpaca with restored version.

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