Let’s have the shadows.
In digital painting, way of drawing shadows is the same as anime painting.
It does not need to be a bright color, any brush you like is fine!!
It doesn’t have to be as crisp as the animated paint, so you can use any brush you like.

Select the layer you would like to color on it, and use the shadow layer for clipping.
It might be a little bit nasty while using numerous layer for drawing different parts, then you could choose just for one layer for shadow.
The way for drawing highlight is the same as shadow. Anime painting can count as same, too.
“Soft Light” is recommended at layer blend.
Finished Shadow and Highlight part!! Next lecture will be an embellishment of drawing.
Digital Painting - Embellishment Add in Let's add something with the hair. Make the layer at the top and add someth[…]