Shortcut to change Pen Width: Ctl + Alt + Drag

When you are drawing an illustration, especially filling with colors, don’t you change the pen width frequently, do you?

Then, “Ctl + Alt + Drag (for Windows)” or “command + Alt + Drag” (for Mac)” shortcut to change Pen Width becomes very handy.

Without going back-and-forth between Brush Control Window and a canvas, you can easily change the pen width. Convenient! By adding shortcut to Pen Tablet’s function key (button), it becomes even better!

“Ctl + Alt + Drag” is a common shortcut for the most paint programs.

Diagram: Ctl + Alt + Drag to change the pen width instantly
Diagram: “Ctl + Alt + Drag” to change the pen width instantly
>FireAlpaca | Free Digital Painting Software

FireAlpaca | Free Digital Painting Software

FireAlpaca is the free Digital Painting Software that is available in 10 languages and compatible with both Mac and Windows. Simple tools and controls let you draw an illustration easily.